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National Survey on Urban Employment (ENEU)

The National Survey on Urban Employment is a joint project of the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática - INEGI) and the Ministry of Labor (Secretaría del Trabajo y Previsión Social - STPS). It has been conducted since January 1983. Its main objective is to obtain statistical information about the characteristics on occupation of urban population, as well as other demographic and economic topics that would allow a deeper analysis of labor topics. Furthermore, with the survey's information we can learn about housing characteristics and its composition, as well as sociodemographic characteristics divided by gender of the economically active and inactive population. The survey provides indicators related to job participation rates, structural employment and working conditions (see technical sheet).

Related Surveys. ENE, ENOE, ENAMIN

The datasets from each survey carried out from 2001 to 2004 are free and available at the INEGI website, previous registration is required. For the institutions responsible of this survey is very useful to keep a list of all data users. Syntax documents provided in this section are based on the 1998 datasets, these can be used to tag variables and their correspondent values.




Technical Sheet



Additional Documents

