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Presentation of the portal BDSocial

This digital collection integrates Information and Datasets about Mexico. The objective is to provide an useful tool for analysis and dissemination of socio-economic information. BDSocial is a public access site.




BDSocial integrates in its collection datasets and technical documents of surveys generated in the country, partly or totally financed by public funds, over the past years. Additionally, there are survey projects created from academic institutions and civil society organizations in order to promote their dissemination. Each different dataset survey is presented through a simple and homogeneous structure as well as questionnaires, technical sheets and the syntax for using the data.

This site not only recollects information scattered in different sites, but also, for the first time, allows access to a collection of dataset surveys that were not publicly available. Using both the collaboration of survey institutions and the tools provided by the law of access and transparency to public government information (Ley de Transparencia y Acceso a la Información Pública Gubernamental), datasets have been placed in the BDSocial site for its unrestricted access.

This web site is a joint project initiated by the National Women's Institute (Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres - INMUJERES), the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences agency in Mexico (Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales - FLACSO) and Alianza Cívica, A. C.
The aim of BDSocial is to facilitate and promote the use of information for a better and more accurate understanding of social reality that provides help as strong evidence for the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of public policies and social programs. In particular, it seeks to promote the gender approach in the analysis of social information.
The infos and infoPeG sections, currently in its initial stage of construction, are efforts to disseminate relevant research and analysis studies in social issues in general and social analysis with a gender perspective, respectively. The infoE section will offer technical and methodological notes for working and processing the datasets.

We are looking forward to receive feedback from all users through our contact information, especially from the community concerned and committed to social analysis, from academic institutions and civic and social organizations to international organizations and government.

All the datasets and the technical information included herein are responsibility of the entities and agencies responsible for the design and implementation of each survey, as mentioned in the technical sheets.

We hope that the social analysis and the exchange of evidence-based knowledge will help to strengthen effective social policies and will incorporate gender perspective in policies and social programs.